A 2 Z

A smile a day makes me happy I say.
Be all you think you can be, then push and keep going,
Cool, calm and collective is the plan,
so go the extra mile you made time for it.
Do now what needs doing, do not wait.
Enjoy the moments of downtime that life offers, you deserve it.
Fresh headspace is the mantra of the day.
Good food and water are a must, treat your body to 5 plus a day.
Help others when you can.
Inspire to inspire others, they may smile and when they do,
it makes that second grand.
Jealous words you speak hurt you,
Be positive when you talk as you can infect the room with good intentions.
Keep focused on your dreams, one will equal keys to freedom.
Live life with vigor, you are here now, so make it count.
Me is cool, me is neat, I like me, what more can i say.
Never let a good opportunity go by you without trying it,
bend branches, you can do it.
Organize time for yourself to see loved ones or bestie' friends where possible.
Practice smiling in front of the mirror, it is a great self-management tool and free.
Quietly or loudly, eyes open or closed,
I am a worthy, I am valued, I will make today a good day.
Rest assured; your being here is a blessing.
Sing, whistle, wright, draw, jump, run, dance or whatever it is you like to do,
you'll smile.
Today is a special day, you read something i wrote,
YOU made my day,
I salute you.
Up early, sheets tucked in, you now accomplished one task for today,
small things count.
Voice your opinion when asked, your opinion is valued.
Walk tall, shoulders back, you rock.
X marks this spot, the bubble you are in now,
go the bubble of invincibility
You are unique.
Zero too one hundred at a blink of an eye,
you are a superhero,
Written by " Hiding Away Still - Ssssshhh " pen name' (nom de plume)