You Are Special
You Are Special

The second you got here, the cosmos erupted in joy, it was foretold you would touch peoples lives in ways to unbelievable to say the least, it was a known fact you had helped a stranger just by smiling at them and unknown to you they had negative doubts running a wild in there mind and sought to find solace in a concoction of liquor and drugs and hit the beach for a fair well swim, gone and you, well you just smiled, that was it, a young person doing there thing, nothing special going on, just life. Yet that was enough, home-bound and counting little blessings was that persons day and today, well today they remember to say I am worthy I am good, thank you for all I have and it is a lot and then they gift to charities, what a thing you did that day, you are amazing, you are special.

And how about that lady at the shop, they had been harassed and robbed, nothing to do with you, but that day, was a rough day, it was her first time alone for a while at the front counter, she was nervous, having flash backs, the sun was in the same place, the white car out front looked the same, the few people in the car looked the same race, nothing was the same, it was fear in the past and you walked in, asked for what you wanted and said thank-you, again you smiled that day, you do not always smile to, we know that hard, anyway you just did it and said Hi and that was enough, she was empowered by that voice of yours and your smile, those bright eyes of knowledge of experiences to awkward to share and she stopped dead in her tracks and kicked those bad thoughts straight out that door and composed herself in a split second and like before you where gone, today she teaches English in a little class for foreign people. Without you those people she helps would never have been able to help those they where here to help in our combined futures, you have purpose in things you do not always see,
you are special.

Last month we again where watching over you and we saw you in action again. This time a lady in despair, with deep thoughts of looking at the cars going by counting when to just stumble out, it will look like her high heal caught the curb, the traffics doing an easy 38 at this part of the intersection and her mind was counting down, 18 seconds to go and you had just been there at the rite time, lol going to the super market, again you smiled and gingerly said you look like so and so from school when I was younger and she was that person, you said thank you for referring that councilor at school, you changed my life and she smiled back, now today she teaches prevention of suicide, today i heard her say - look for little things that make you happy, a smile, a hello,.
You inspired her without knowing it,
you are special.

Written by " Hiding Away Still - Ssssshhh " pen name' ( nom de plume )