Paypal LayBuy


LAY-BUY is a powered by PayPal payment option on the ILove2Fidget website, it is great for long term purchases.
At checkout you simply pay an initial deposit, select a length of time to pay it off, set it at your budget level, 

When you see the Lay Buy icon on the bottom left side area of our cart, simply select that method to pay for your products..
When you confirm your order, you the Consumer selects down-payment % to pay today, and how many months you want to pay-off the balance.
Next you as a.PayPal Consumer are taken to PayPal’s landing page, you pay the down-payment today with either your PayPal a/c or your credit / debit card.
PayPal then sets up the laybuy payment plan between you the consumer and us the merchant.

PayPal then sends four email notifications out, two to us the merchant, the other two to you the  consumer. (One for the down-payment and another that a payment plan has been setup)
Note: if buyer does not have a PayPal account, they can pay with their credit cards' and a PayPal account is setup for the LAY-BUY payment plan payments

Now your Order is Placed (pending) Down-Payment, monies are paid into merchant’s PayPal account and your order is placed in our Shopify Website with status ‘pending’. laybuy your payment plan details are auto populated into the LAY-BUY App and it securely stores the information

In our Shopify store in the background a Payment Plan Cronjob fetches all the installment payments on their due date from PayPal / Lay-Buys server and updates the payment plan in our LAY-BUY App from status ‘pending’ to ‘complete’.
PayPal then sends an email notification to us the merchant and you the consumer for the payments received.

This information updates each time you pay it on the specified due dates you originally set up within the PayPal / Lay-Buys server.
Now consider you paid it off, now - your payment plan profile is nearly cancelled within PayPal, so no more monies are auto paid from you the consumer’s PayPal account - Debit card, etc.

In our Shopify store the Payment Plan for your items in our LAY-BUY App are updated from status ‘pending’ to ‘complete’.
The affordable payment option used for buying products for future dated events is nearing completion, a Cronjob runs and fetches that final payment and updates Your Order in our Shopify Store from ‘pending’ to ‘paid’ status.
PayPal then sends an email notification to us the merchant and you the consumer for the payment and fulfillment needs for that order.
Plus at final payment PayPal sends notifications to both you the buyer and us the merchant that your payment profile for that order in PayPal Lay Buys has been cancelled.

Now - Your Order Fulfilled we the Merchant delivers your product/s to you the consumer.


Can I Revise or alter my laybuy
Yes; A consumer can revise a laybuy order at any time while the laybuy is in ‘pending’ status.
Its simple, the process involves the merchant us revising the payment plan from our LAY-BUY App.

Can I pay earlier
Yes; The revise feature in our App, enables you the consumer to settle an outstanding balance today via a ‘buy-now’ option or extend the term of your laybuy via a ‘lay-buy’ option.
When we see a change in your payment plan it is revised by us the merchant in our LAY-BUY App, you the consumer is sent an email with the payment link embedded in your email.
At this time the payment plan status is changed to ‘revise requested’ this stays this way up until you click the payment link and are taken to PayPal to make payment.

Can I extend it
Yes; If revision was in settlement (buy-now), then processes to extend or settle are triggered.
If revision was to extend LAY-BUY, then a down-payment is paid on the day and a new payment plan is populated in our LAY-BUY App against that same order number.
Of course the payment plan status for the revised plan then changes to ‘revised’ and the new payment plan has status ‘pending’. The ‘pending’ plan is then the new payment plan for your ILove2Fidget Shopify order. The Shopify order number remains the same.
Again - PayPal sends email notifications to us the merchant and you the consumer for these payments and payment changes.

Can you Cancel a Laybuy
Yes; A consumer can cancel a LAY-BUY order at any time while the laybuy is in a pending’ status.
The process involves us the merchant cancelling the order from within our Store.
When an order is cancelled in our Shopify store, no refund is done our end.

Do you get refunded on your Laybuy
Yes; To do the refund and actual cancellation of your laybuy we use a cancel feature which involves us the merchant cancelling the payment plan in the PayPal website and then refunding you the consumer all monies paid to-date for the laybuy, less the ‘cancellation fee’ we have stipulated in our T&Cs.
PayPal then sends email notifications to us the merchant and you the consumer that payment plan has been cancelled.

NOTES - To Refund your laybuy as stated above all refunds are done from within PayPal. Thank you

Does Lay Buy cost me the consumer to use
Yes; Just under 2.0% set up admin fee - Small as it may be - PayPal charges us a fee

What happens if a payment is missed
PayPal auto attempts again in 5 days

Reminder - All products can be placed on a laybuy.

If you need help with anything to do with your laybuy, drop us a line and we will contact you back, please check your email is correct before hitting send - thank you